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Seeds Continue and the Grape is Replanted

Hello again. Just wanted to drop a quick note and a couple pictures into the mix today. Work continues apace on the gardens. The tomatoes, peppers and licorice marigold all got started this past weekend so the seed starting table is starting to fill up. I'll throw a picture up once they start to sprout. It's already getting precarious in th e Green Room, and there's at least another 50 peat pots to find a place and light for. Should be interesting. It's only Thursday and the first of the licorice marigold is poking through the dirt. The tomatoes and peppers should get going in a few days. By next week I'm expecting to have little seedlings and in two weeks they should have their first true leaves.

Seed starting numbers.
30 Snapdragons, at least one plant in each pot.
9 Pansies, only two have germinated now.
8 Mortgage lifter tomatoes (indeterminate heirloom large pink)
12 Bloody Butcher tomatoes (indeterminate heirloom, med, dark red)
8 Roma tomatoes (determinate hybrid paste)
8 Sweet Baby Girl tomatoes (indeterminate hybrid cherry)
4 Big Chili II hybrid hot peppers
4 Hungarian Yellow peppers
25 Assorted Sweet peppers
4 Chocolate Bell peppers (yes, they are a deep brown)
4 Licorice Marigold

Next weekend we'll be building the garden beds and other miscellaneous yard work. It's only a few weeks to the last frost date and we're getting antsy. Gretchen picked up a few daylilies from the grocery store and we bought a couple of tiger lilies from the farmer's market. They went into the ground next to the other daylillies, which seem to be the only bulbs we have any luck with.

In other news, I dug up the concord grape that we planted on the front of the house right after we moved in. It was just starting to get big, and desperately needed to be trellising and Gretchen didn't want a grape trellis in the front. (Gretchen chiming in here - he didn't mention gigantic 4' square fence posts in our front yard, in our only real garden space, laced with wire.) It's also probably a little too shady there. Well, a lot too shady. So it's now behind the house in front of the fallen oak tree. If it survives, it'll be pretty cool. I tried to get as many roots as possible. It had spread out over the entire front garden and some roots were too embedded to get up, but as you can see from the picture, I did get a lot of the root system.

In any event, thanks for reading, I'll keep telling you about what goes down as it goes down and maybe you'll let me know where I'm going wrong. Next week will probably bring a real update from Gretchen after the garden construction project. We're also hoping to get a gas chipper in here and make some of our own mulch.

Have a good day,

Recipe - Pizza Dough

The warm days, seed starting and sorting it all out