The Suburban Farm has been quite a frenzy of activity and the list of projects that we want to get done around the house is growing larger by the day. To add to the fun, we have a self imposed deadline of March 1 for many of them. What's so special about March 1? Nothing really. It's just that sometime near March 8 the newest addition to the Suburban Farm will show up.
I figure the rumor mill has filled most of you in by now, just in case you didn't get the memo, I'm pregnant.
We've even had the first photos taken. Meet the futuregalactic overload benevolent ruler of the universe, our kiddo:
You can so tell it's our kid, it even smiles and waves for the camera.
Ryan and I waffle between super excited and freaking the f#$* out, with the emphasis on super excited. To answer the most common questions we get asked:
Gretchen (and the kiddo)
I figure the rumor mill has filled most of you in by now, just in case you didn't get the memo, I'm pregnant.
We've even had the first photos taken. Meet the future
You can so tell it's our kid, it even smiles and waves for the camera.
Ryan and I waffle between super excited and freaking the f#$* out, with the emphasis on super excited. To answer the most common questions we get asked:
- Yes, we will find out what gender the kiddo is, but we're not going to find out for another 7 or so weeks. Because, that's just the way our doctors do things. Once we know, we promise we'll tell you.
- No, we haven't thought of any names yet. We don't even know what gender the kid is. Geesh.
- No, I haven't really been sick or anything. I was pretty fatigued the first trimester, and occasionally plagued with what felt like mild car sickness, but other then that everything was hunky dory.
- Yes, the boobs grew.
- No, I don't know when they'll stop.
- It's ok, the boobs scare me too.
Gretchen (and the kiddo)