This is not to say I'm at all discontent with parenthood. In fact, we have the most awesome, laid back, easy going, enthusiastic, happy baby to have ever been created. He's perfectly content to sit in his stroller or lay on a blanket while we pull weeds. He loves to jump in his jumperoo and watch us make dinner, and he LOVES to be carried (especially by his Daddy) in his Ergo
I have found that my life is broken into small segments of time. A few of those I take for myself to check facebook or shower (sometimes its a tough call.) But that's the total extent of my available mental prowess. They call it "mommybrain", but to be fair Ryan's got it too.
Almost every blog out there has at least one "I promise to write more, I cross my heart" post. That and the repetitive "We haven't written, we've been busy" post usually heralds the beginning of the end of the blog. I sincerely hope this is not the case with the Suburban Farm.
I enjoy writing this blog, and from the comments I get time and time again off screen, folks enjoy reading it. Oh, and there is "Yes the baby is fine and awesome, but you really don't want to hear about how he figured out how to clap his feet together. And I'm doing interesting things too!! I'm a person. A person who does stuff!! And despite the fact I just had a baby, I still do stuff that doesn't involve poop or spit up or feet clapping. (But the feet clapping was very cute, and super advanced , did you know that my son is a super genius? Feet clapping usually happens at a much older age, I have it on the highest authority.)"
I won't promise the posts will appear with any regularity, or even that we'll try our hardest to put something up. I will say that we really intend to keep writing about our misadventures in Suburban Homesteading, and this year looks to be an interesting with the chicken friendly neighbors selling their house, introducing Zane to a gazillion new things, finally mastering the art of homemade cheese, and additional forays into gardening, brewing, pickling, etc.
The easy solution is to throw us in your RSS reader then you'll know when we've got a fresh post, it'll be like a surprise present waiting to entertain you. We'll probably obnoxiously post on Facebook and send emails out too, just so no one misses the brilliance that comes out of this blog, but the RSS feed is the most reliable.
*New or expecting parents: the Ergo Baby Carrier