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Well crap. I haven't posted anything since January, and that was just our silly New Year's card which hardly counts as a full post. (Seriously, did you see the photo. How flipping AWESOME is my kid!) I had the best intentions, I swear. I was going to write a post on resolutions, then in a few months when I couldn't think of anything to write about I could post a follow up on how well I kept 'em.

Could you do me a favor? Could you pretend that I wrote all about how great New Year's is, and how it's a time for reflection and stuff, and that I really want to try to do these things this year? Pretty please? KTHANKS!

Have I kept my resolutions?

1) Take photos of Zane once a week.

I started out strong and then we all played pass the cold/stomach flu. When I was feeling good, poor Zane was snotty or upchucky or just plain miserable. It did not make for pretty photos. When he was feeling good either Ryan or I were hiding in a crumpled heap in the bed. That took up most of January and all of February. Now that we seem to be all relatively well, (knock wood) I've amended it to take photos once a week. While documenting the Critter's life is important, we're having trouble finding time that doesn't have some activity (like eating or sleeping) shoe horned in. If I can't get my camera out until after he's asleep at night, so be it, at least I got it out.

2) Write for the Suburban Farm twice a month.

Ummm... Yea. I've got a few posts sitting in drafts that weren't worth publishing. They were chock full of gripe and snark. Very unpleasant. I blame the cold/stomach flu game. Now that spring is upon us, seeds are being started, the days are getting longer, and plants are showing up on our door step I think we'll be more inspired to document our goings on and it'll be more publishable.

3) Drink eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day.


4) Take a multivitiman at least five times a week.

I'm pretty sure I've only taken three since January 1st. Make that four, I just took one.

So, I haven't exactly kept my resolutions, but I haven't actually failed to keep them either. As far as I know no one is handing out candy or awards for "Most Resolutions Kept" or "Best Strict Interpretation of a Resolution", unless they are. You would tell me if they were, right? 'Cause I could totally use some candy right now. No candy? Bummer.

Happy Birthday Zane

Happy New Year