Team Members


Auxiliary Members

Charlie Bucket
The Ladies
Cheeky & Guenea

Current Projects

The past weekend we crossed a few more things off the ever growing list of to dos.

We turned most of a watermelon into pickles and wine.

Future Pickles

I pulled everything down from all the top shelves and dusted, organized, eliminated, and redistributed around the house.

Ryan sanded the crap out of a couple of banker’s chairs I found at Goodwill ($12 for both!) and put some stain on them.  Later this week he’ll put some varnish/water seal/magic fairy dust on them so they’ll last a bit longer on the front porch.  I figure I can’t get outdoor furniture for that cheap, so even if we only get a couple of years out of them before they disintegrate I’m still ahead.  And they’re sooo pretty!!!


Ferris worked on his words.  So far we’ve got:
  • Daaadie
  • Ma   mae
  • App pul
  • That
  • Kisssssss

He also assisted with the chairs.

It's a good thing I'm cute.
 And Zane worked on his Mario Brother skillz and watched Netflix.

No, it's not even educational.

He also painted a cork board at Home Depot, but that took all of 10 minutes and it wasn’t really on our list of Things that Need Doing.  However, hang a tiny cork board somewhere useful has been added.

Now Zane is Four

Be Careful What You Wish For