Snow Days & Stomach Bugs
It’s been two weeks of snow days.
Two weeks.
The uncivilized cats who pee on stuff are in the house since it’s too cold for them to be outside. They’ve been in for the past month, and are getting tired of spending all their unchaperoned time in the apartment complex I built out of dog crates.
Oh, and Porter had a stomach bug. We nicknamed him him Poopy Tail McSquirty Butt. In retaliation he gave his stomach bug to the kids. (And yes, I know that’s not how diseases work, but he’s an evil genius so humor me.)
There are bowls and buckets placed at decorative intervals all over the house, and the washer has not stopped once in the last 5 days. So far Ryan and I are far.
None of us want to do anything, we’re tired of the iPad/Netflix/Wii combo that’s straining to keep us entertained. (I think the Wii committed harikari yesterday.) I chewed through a dozen novels. Ryan read all of the internet and now has half a dozen bikes on his wish list. We played with some science experiments. I’ll admit monster eggs and slimy oozy goop loses it’s charm to a kid when they’re dashing off to the bathroom while Dad is wiping up the trail they left behind.
I’m ready for spring.
Ready for longer days - spent OUTSIDE. Way OUTSIDE.
I pulled out the gardening books and spent the afternoon hiding being supported by my super awesome husband and laid out a plan. I also cataloged a the list of Things We Absolutely Have to Stop Putting Off.
I woke up this morning with a spring in my step and a $400 plant order itching to be placed - right after I clean up the messes of five cats, one dog, and two exploding children.