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It's been a while...

It's been a while...

It’s been a while. Sorry about that.

Recently I was going through back posts for a project I’m working on. It’s kinda a fun small thing Ryan and I are working on. We’re both going to present at our local Pecha Kucha.

You can learn more about it here, but basically you pick 20 images and present them to a group. The trick is you get exactly 20 seconds a slide but your presentation can be about anything and I chose chickens.

Shocker, right?

Ryan did one awhile back about foods I wish he didn’t know how to cook.

You can see it here.

So drifting back through the old posts, and skimming the text made me all squishy and, as the internet puts it, “gave me the feels.”

I really, really, really should be documenting more. Writing it all down needs to be a higher priority. Heck, I’m not even really taking photos of the Suburban Farm anymore, which is why I had to go looking for old footage.

So how does one resurrect their blogging habit?

If you have any suggestions I’m totally open.

As for what Team Chicken has been up to since I last posted (in July!), we had a pretty quiet and travel light summer. Which was awesome. We went camping once, it was fun even if Zane ended up blowing chunks all over the campsite and had to sleep with a bucket next to him.

Zane tested for his advanced yellow and then later for his green belts and earned both of them. Ferris tested too and he’s now a purple stripe belt. (Little Ninjas has it’s own belt thing going.) We saw one movie. Took a week and hit the beach for #bedellbeachweek2015 (I should get those photos outta my camera.)

We bought a new batch of chicks at the Feed & Seed so we’ll have a good supply of eggs next summer. Zane and Ferris had some dear friends who lived down the street move on them. We planted a garden and followed the rules and shockingly managed to actually grow some produce. The rest of the yard started out nicely but became its usual overgrown messy self. We might require professional intervention here.

Upcoming plans, when we can get to them, include tiling the fireplace and creating a retention pond in the side yard to help with our run-off issues.

Here is a super awesome photo taken with a super awesome camera phone of our super awesome fireplace.  I thought the repair guys who were going to fix it were going to leave us with less of a "fail."

Oh, and this weekend we’re going for a pork tasting at a local farm that raises heritage pigs. We’re super excited about that. I’ll update about it...or I won’t. Turns out I’m not so good at regularly updating. We do have a facebook page that gets some posts, so that might be worth a “like.”

Snowpocalypse 2017

Snowpocalypse 2017

Happy Birthday Ferris!

Happy Birthday Ferris!